Quaternary Basic and Intermediate Volcanics
Quaternary-Tertiary Basalt Flows and
Miocene Ignimbrites
Cougar Point Tuff
Jenny Creek Tuff
Harmony Hills Tuff
Condor Canyon Formation
Leach Canyon Tuff
Tuff of Clipper Gap
Tuff of White Blotch Spring
Bates Mountain Tuff
Tuff of Lunar Cuesta
Shingle Pass Tuff
Miocene Rhyolite, Rhyodacite, Dacite Flows,Plugs and Dikes
Miocene Andesite, Latite and Quartz Latite, and
Minor Basalt
Miocene Basalt, Minor Basaltic-Andesite
and Andesite
Big Island Formation
Oligocene Ignimbrites
Monotony Tuff
Tuff of Hoodoo Canyon
Needles Range Formation
Windous Butte Tuff
Tuff of Williams Ridge and Morey Peak
Currant Tuff
Charcoal Ovens Tuff
Pancake Summit Tuff
Northumberland Tuff
Calloway Well Tuff
Caetano Tuff
Kalamazoo Volcanics
Stone Cabin Formation
Tuff of Hall Creek
Oligocene Rhyolite
Oligocene Andesite, Latite, and Quartz Latite
Oligocene Basalt, Minor Basaltic Andesites and
Eocene Ignimbrites
Dead Horse Tuff
Eocene Rhyolite, Rhyodacite and Dacite Flows,
Plugs and Dikes
Eocene Andesite, Latite, and Quartz Latite and
Minor Basalt
Pony Trail Group